Adilla Meytiara Intan S.H., LL.M.

  • Bachelor of Law: Universitas Indonesia (LL.B.)
  • Master of Law: Lancaster University (LL.M.)

Adilla Meytiara Intan earned her Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universitas Indonesia and her Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Lancaster University, specializing in International Business Law. Through her professional experiences, Adilla has honed her expertise in facilitating foreign company relocations, accelerating investment projects, and navigating complex
transactional arrangements. Adilla specializes in Corporate Law, delivering expert legal advice on mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and foreign investments. She has successfully contributed to large-scale projects, including infrastructure expansions, renewable energy developments, and intricate corporate acquisitions across diverse industries. Her dedication to legal outreach and education is reflected in her active role as a lecturer and
her commitment to empowering individuals through knowledge sharing and legal advocacy. Adilla’s expertise spans Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Foreign Investment, Legal Consulting for Infrastructure Projects, and International Business Law, making her a reliable
and insightful advisor for both domestic and international clients.

Practice Area

General Corporate, Investment, M&A, Banking and Finance, Debt Restructuring, Dispute Resolution, and Legal Intelligence




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